Best location setup of turntable

I have a pair of Tyler Taylo 7U speakers, Thorens TD145MKii, ClearAudio Microbasic phono preamp, and 55W Chinese built tube amp.
What would be a good (or best) location of the turntable?
Currently it is sitting on the bare wood floor in between an audio rack and the right speaker in my living room (20x25). The distance to the rack is about 3" and to the right speaker is about 10".

I tried to sit the turntable on top of the audio rack, but the vibration is much worse than just let it sitting on the bare floor. I tried to put the turntable on top of a sandbag, but it did not help much to reduce the rambling/distortion (or whatever you call) when the volume goes of 12 o'clock.

Any suggestion?
Would isolator help? What kind isolator would be good (Well under $100)?

Thanks for your opinion in advance.

Showing 1 response by carter9000

I am considering relocating my turntable closer to my speakers. Right now it is on the opposite wall, but it is nearly a 40 foot run of speaker cable, so I have to go cheap on the cable (monoprice 12 gage cable). By moving it closer I could use better quality 8 to 10 cable (Kimber - black and gray braided cable).

I have concrete floors and plan on leaving it on a floorstanding rack, since very little if any floor vibration will transfer to the stand...but by moving it closer to the speakers the base may cause more vibration. So it's a trade off, better cable but closer to the speakers for shorter cable run and better quality cable.

What do you all think? What would you do?