Best loadings for Shelter 501 Mkll

Hi All,
First a disclaimer; I have virtually no understanding of what resistive and capacitave loads are. However, I am hoping to improve the already excellent sound I am getting from this cartridge as played through my highly adjustable Jon Soderberg modified Threshold FET9 pre amp.
The big problem with this pre is that to change the settings it must be removed from the rack, the top cover removed and jumpers shifted. Not terrible, but not the flick of a switch either.
I currently have it set to 47Kohms, 50pf (whatever that means!) but wonder if anyone knows from practical experience what would sound best. I can select from 47K or 100, 47, 32 Ohms and 50, 100, 200 or 250 picofarads.
The Threshold manual implies that there will not be a big difference in sound for MC cartridgesby stating,"as a group, moving coil cartridges are relatively insensitive to their capacative load".
Given the lack of easy adjustability I would like to get it right the first shot, so knowledgable inputs would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

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