The Adcom unit was the first conditioner I had ever bought, back in 1990 or 1991. It worked well to my ears, with an audible improvement. I do not recall any dynamic restrictions. I have since gone through several Tice models, the latest and greatest for me is the Tice High Current Solo unit (now unfortunately only available used as Tice has closed doors). I recommend the Tice Solo or even better the High Current Solo. No restrictions that I can hear.
I have been waiting and waiting to pick up a used Blue Circle MR 1200, but so far, nada... i am reaching the end of my patience... does anyone have other suggestions for a good power/line conditioner (new or used) in that general price range (UNDER $600). This is for AUDIO use only on a mainly ANALOG system, need at least 6 jacks, and prefer an ACTIVE unit with an ON/OFF switch. thanks to anyone with any advice.