If naca5 sounds harsh and flat, it may need more burn in or it your system is not in harmony.
It is true that NACA5 has prominent mid that is magical if it is in harmony with the rest of the system.
From my experience flat and harsh come from 2 possible sources
1. your CD3.5 needs service (change the tants and caps)
2. your cables (include power cables)
Regarding cables if you are using the old grey DIN DIN cable - this sounds muddy bass and lack of highs
so your option from my experience:
1. Naim Grey Lavender - better but in my opinion but just mid level.
2. AR Sound - choose yellow
Power cord:
1. VH Audio airsine - expensive but worth it - you will own this one for a long time.
2. Black sand audio violet - i dont have one but read that it is quite close to VH
Hope this helps
Just got a used Nait 5i (with NACA5’s) and have been listening over the past week. Rest of my gear is a Naim CD3.5 and Vandersteen 2C’s.
OMG, are these NACA5’s harsh and flat or what! Anyone else experience this? I think I have all mids and nothing in the highs and lows. No don’t get me wrong, there is some bass punch, but not like my previous Creek 5350SE and 4330SE.
If naca5 sounds harsh and flat, it may need more burn in or it your system is not in harmony.
It is true that NACA5 has prominent mid that is magical if it is in harmony with the rest of the system.
From my experience flat and harsh come from 2 possible sources
1. your CD3.5 needs service (change the tants and caps)
2. your cables (include power cables)
Regarding cables if you are using the old grey DIN DIN cable - this sounds muddy bass and lack of highs
so your option from my experience:
1. Naim Grey Lavender - better but in my opinion but just mid level.
2. AR Sound - choose yellow
Power cord:
1. VH Audio airsine - expensive but worth it - you will own this one for a long time.
2. Black sand audio violet - i dont have one but read that it is quite close to VH
Hope this helps
Just got a used Nait 5i (with NACA5’s) and have been listening over the past week. Rest of my gear is a Naim CD3.5 and Vandersteen 2C’s.
OMG, are these NACA5’s harsh and flat or what! Anyone else experience this? I think I have all mids and nothing in the highs and lows. No don’t get me wrong, there is some bass punch, but not like my previous Creek 5350SE and 4330SE.