Best Kept Speaker Secret?

OK all you speaker experts out there here goes. There are always "sleepers" or "exceptions to every rule or cost" in high end audio equipment. In your opinion what is the best kept secret or exception to the cost for the very best speaker you can buy for $4000 or less (Used). Your feedback will be greatly appreciated toward building my short list. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by jeffcantor

PSB Gold (or Goldi) in combination with ARAGON 8008BB.
(I also use a VELODYNE HGS-15 for the lowest octave;
i.e. 20 - 40 Hz, electronically crossed-over in the SONY
TAE-E9000ES pre/pro w/Version 2.01 upgrade, but the Golds'
are flat down to 35 Hz [- 1 db], so a subwoofer is not essential,
but does add something if the source has deep, deep bass).
Extremely neutral and smooth, yet detailed presentation.
Mondial (maker of ARAGON) has great customer support;
both ARAGON and PSB Golds are a great value - new and especially used.