Best Kept Speaker Secret?

OK all you speaker experts out there here goes. There are always "sleepers" or "exceptions to every rule or cost" in high end audio equipment. In your opinion what is the best kept secret or exception to the cost for the very best speaker you can buy for $4000 or less (Used). Your feedback will be greatly appreciated toward building my short list. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by beemer

Ok, I'll bite on this one:

$4000 +/- 10%

Best deal: Infinity IRS Beta, although $4000 is low, but doable depending on seller's desire to move 'em. Problem:
Need serious biamping and frontend to sound their best.

Aerial 10t. Doable at $4000. A speaker most folks think as part of an HT setup. How wrong they are. Michael Kelly has built what IMHO, beats many designs up to $20K.

Maggie 3.5r/3.6r and a sub! Doable at $4K. Planars!!!
A no brainer here.

My opinion, your's may vary.
