Best Jazz Vocalists - Standard Songs


I'm looking to expand my horizons and need help finding good albums and artists who sing jazz standards. Qualities I'm looking for are lyricism, beautiful voice/tone, interpretation. Examples (albums and artists) that I have/know are along the lines of:
Female: Jacintha, Carol Kidd, Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Billy Holiday
Male: Sinatra, Johnny Hartman, Tony Bennett
Who am I missing, current or past?
Re-masters and great sounding recordings would be a plus!

Showing 1 response by hnico

I recommend you to hear Nora Jones. She's pop/jazz with stunning recording over her new album and outstanding vocal IMO. This will probably be a good intro for you to get into mainstream jazz. Diana Krall' Love Scenes and When I look into your eyes wouldn't hurt either.