Best isolation platform for a turntable with suspension?

Hey all,

I have an Avid Volvere turntable which has a spring suspension system. Sounds great!

But - my rack isn’t the best. Since Corona and inertia are making upgrading my rack impractical right now, I was thinking I could improve things by putting the Avid on an isolation platform.

My question: since the table already has suspension, what should I look for in an isolation platform? High-mass rigid platform like a Mapleshade? Mass + a different type of isolation like the Isoacoustics Delos? Low-mass but high-rigidity like a BDR shelf + BDR cones?


Showing 2 responses by toetapaudio


Place your turntable on a platform made of slate 30/40 mm thick and square on plan. Under the slate use three Ingress Engineering cup and rollers in a equilateral triangle configuration.

I predict excellent results from this low cost solution.
OP, Symposium also make cup and rollers.

You might also look at Lessloss Bindbreakers, no direct experience myself but I have read good things including use with turntables