Best investment for upgrade a RB-1090 or MC300

I have B&W 802D's and I am trying to decide where to invest the rest of my upgrade budget to get the most bang for the buck. I am currently running them off an RMB-1095 with AQ OAK cables and a Rotel RSX-1056 Receiver. Any advice on whether I should invest the rest of my budget into a single higher quality dual channel amplifier (MC300 or even MC352/402) or stick with a cheaper RMB-1090 and focus on a better pre-amp with balanced outputs, interconnects and transport etc?

Showing 1 response by xti16

My vote would be for a better amp and forget about a receiver for those speakers. Then again when the upgrade budget is available again go for a source. Last should cables. I say that because when I had a Bryston B100sst and I tried different sources and had to 'squint' a little to hear the difference between sources. I bought a Meridian G08. Then I upgraded the Byrston to an Octave V70SE. I just recently I put back my original Yamaha cdx1030 (which I did have to squint a bit). As good as the Yamaha seemed then I can't listen to it now. That has been my experience and why I recommended that order.
Good Luck