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No Blue Jeans Please. 

Showing 5 responses by djones51

Interconnect cables are anything that connects components, could be a pair of analog cables,  digital coax or toslink, hdmi etc.. They wre saying they wouldn't use a cable intended for digital coax  in place of analog cables.
What cables are you looking for? Anything in particular or all interconnects? 
I bought good interconnects for about $25 . 
Listening now and it sounds wonderful.  The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is unshielded I thought the more shielding the better, shows what I know lol. 
My set up is in my living room close to my TV and cable box so I would use shielded.  Belden LC-1 is what I would have recommended but only Blue Jeans sells that cable and you didn't want them.