Best integrated for Dynaudio 1.3mkII

Which integrated for dyn 1.3mkII

1. Simaudio I-5
2. MF A3.2
3. Audio Refinement Complete
4. Creek 5350SE

or anything else?
Consider Primare A30.1. Very good soundstaging, imaging, tonality, detailed, sounds powerful, etc.

You say Classe was boring yet you would go for it. Is it not the fact that we indulge in the hobby because it is interesting and we can derive pleasure? If it is boring why bother?
this probably will not help the originator of the thread, but i have just purchased a mcintosh ma6500 integrated amp, and although i have yet to hear the dynaudio 1.3mk II, i think that they may be what i'm looking for, and as i am almost a complete rook, and will have to drive some distance to audition these speakers, i would appreciate if anyone out there could tell me if the Mcintosh would be able to do these speakers justice.


Your choices set some guidelines for prices. You have 4 good options. Of them, the Sim Audio may be the better. Look at Portal Audio Panache. Also consider Sonneteer Alabaster. It does not get a lot of press, but sounds great.
I have been checking out this thread for a while and I guess I will speak up. I recently went from separates (Melos tube preamp and tube amp) to a 175 wpc integrated. I bought a used KARAN KA-i180 based on a TNT Audio review. I was so close to buying the Sim unit. I spent $2200.00 on a used KA-i180 and love it far more than my $7500.00 retail Melos stuff. Electric guitar is not bright, the bass is tight and deep and the soudstage is wide with grate depth. I use cd only and have North Creek Rhythm loudspeakers.