Best integrated ever made ?

I heard the new Audio Analogue Maestro Integrated yesterday morning at a local dealer. I bought it yesterday evening, and i am currently selling all my audio gear...

Im curious to know what others who have heard it think of it and its future. The press here in France is saying its going to eat up the competition and cause a major stir in the industry.

As its been out for about two months and i havent seen anything on the internet about it, i was kinda curious.


Showing 2 responses by sdcampbell

Badwisdom: I have not heard about this particular model, and would be interested to know more. Will you add some additional details, such as cost, features, power, type of amplification (SS or tube?), performance spec's, etc., and of course, what particular quality led you to buy it?

There are a number of excellent integrated amps on the market right now, and clearly this sector of equipment is becoming much more popular. From both an engineering and cost standpoint, integrateds make a lot of sense. Some of the high-end manufacturers, such as Mark Levinson, have jumped into the market with some fine offerings, but I am particularly intrigued by the excellent units being offered in the $1500-2000 range, such as the Bryston BP-60 and the Creek 5350.

I'd like to see this discussion thread expand, and learn about the experiences that others are having with the integrateds that they think are of particular merit. I have friends who would like to get into high-end audio, but don't have the budget to go with separates, and top-quality integrateds may be just the ticket.
Just read the review of the AA Maestro in HiFi+ mentioned above by Brian -- certainly a mixed review at best, and maybe even lukewarm. HiFi+ had a recent review (Issue 10) of the Lavardin IS integrated amp, a French product, which the reviewer described in nearly ecstatic terms. The Lavardin sells for considerably less than the Audio Analogue Maestro integrated, although it has less power, but the reviewer concluded the review of the Lavardin by saying: "If one day you are fortunate to hear one, the sheer scale, power, and beauty of its performance will impress itself into your memory, and it will remain there for the rest of your life!" Weighing the rave for the Lavardin against the qualified commentary for the AA Maestro leaves me wanting to see a second opinion on the Maestro.