Best integrated ever made ?

I heard the new Audio Analogue Maestro Integrated yesterday morning at a local dealer. I bought it yesterday evening, and i am currently selling all my audio gear...

Im curious to know what others who have heard it think of it and its future. The press here in France is saying its going to eat up the competition and cause a major stir in the industry.

As its been out for about two months and i havent seen anything on the internet about it, i was kinda curious.


Showing 2 responses by mcp1

I am currently using a Pathos Twin Towers, and have to say that it is not only the best integrated I've heard, but is one of the best amplifiers I've heard, period (although the LAMMs I heard did beat it). While some have said that it is not the last word in accuracy (it being a bit on the romantic side), it is incredibly musical , with extended bass, crystal clear highs and a midrange purity that few I've heard can match. I find it utterly amazing. I bought it used for $2700 and would rank it as the best deal I've ever gotten in terms of sound-for-the-money...
There is a review of the AA Maestro in the most recent HiFi+. They basically liked it, stating that while powerful, it does not behave like a 'muscle amp', rather "its strengths lie more in the delicacy and natural presentation, normally the domain of much lower powered designs - the difference being that it will achieve this performance at realistic levels into almost any loudspeaker." Their main quibble was the fixed 100 ohm load on the MC stage, which can leave some cartridges sounding lifeless (they noted the Helikon). But, with the right cartridge, they said it sounded great. You should check out the write up.