Best Integrated Amp? Help...

I am looking at spending under $2000, new or used.
I want a simple no frills integrated amp.
I am using B&W Nautilus 804s which can be demanding.
Tried a Jeff Rowland, and it would not work with them.
They have done well with Classe and BAT.
Looking in the 100W to 150W range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thinking Plinius 9100, Musical Fidelity A300 or A3.5.

Showing 1 response by tigerwoodkhorns

I have had great sucess with Musical Fidelity and B&W 800 series. I have an A308CR preamp and Bryston 7b ST monoblocks. The MF A308 has a "tubelike" top end that works very well with nautilus tweeters. I have heard many say that Nautilus tweeters and Bryston amps are harsh. I have never had this problem with N801's nor with S800's.

You can go the same route with a Musical Fidelity pre like an A308, A3.5 or A3.2 pre(I also have a CD Pre 24 in my office - awesome unit, Preamp, CD and DAC/ADC in one box) and a Bryston 4Bst amp if you don't mind going separate.

If you can find a MF A308CR integrated, it should be below your budget. The A308 is teh last to be made in England and supposed to be extremely reliable.