Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha

Thinking of the Gryphon Diablo, Acuphase E560, Passlab Nt-150 or Dartzeel 8550 for the Sasha. Any recommendation from those using this speaker?

Showing 1 response by rockitman

As a Watt/Puppy 8 user, the lastest W/P incarnation prior to Sasha, I would never consider an inetgrated. Not sure what your amp budget is, but I would consider a higher power separate power amp either stereo or of mono block type. I used to drive the W/P's with an old Mark Levinson 27.5 which is 200 watts into 4 ohm load. I now use Pass XA-100.5 monoblocks which deliver pure class A power at 200 watts/4ohms. Those amps hardly break a sweat with my Watt Puppies and sound glorious. As other's have integrated will not deliver the maximum performance out of those speakers (not enough peak current). Sure they will work and sound good with the right inegrated, like the pass, but you will enjoy them much more with better amplification (separates), imo.