best inerconnect $300 to $400

hello everybody want to up grade my inerconnects.what are the best in my price range. thanks for the help
Another cable in this price range worth an audition is the HT Pro-Silway MkII. Noted for its smooth highs, tight bass and exceptional soundstaging.
Fpeel I concour your analysis of HT ProSilway II, I have some in my "collection", 3D soundstage is excellent and very smooth for silver cable, I must look into these Coincident cables more.......$299 is reasonable if fellow members here correct about their abilities...Sam
Audio Magic Spellcaster IIs are excellent. I compared to Transparent Musiclink Supers and I liked the AMs. Smooth mids, crystal-like and delicate highs, deep textured bass. Locking WBT-like RCAs. I also use the XLRs.
I also use HT Prosilway Mk II - excellent interconnect. I wonder if anybody has compared it with the Coincident interconnect? I noted that the Coincident was all copper, so I hope it won't just sound warm, but with not much clear treble to match. (like some other all copper cables) My opinion, of course...