best inerconnect $300 to $400

hello everybody want to up grade my inerconnects.what are the best in my price range. thanks for the help

Showing 3 responses by megasam

Brulee and other august members, what dealer are you using as source for Coincident ICs and do they have home trail peroid with no penalty? Cable Co has no listing for these and they carry most lines.....also have you seen any reviews for these in magazines or online? did you find out about these ICs? Sam
Fpeel I concour your analysis of HT ProSilway II, I have some in my "collection", 3D soundstage is excellent and very smooth for silver cable, I must look into these Coincident cables more.......$299 is reasonable if fellow members here correct about their abilities...Sam
Brulee, thanks for your very generous offer, but I bought some Powersnakes this year, upgraded from HT ProAC 11 and really I am afraid if I listen to the Coincident PCs and they are much better I may do something silly like buy another set of PCs.....stock market has been brutal this year, but I appeciate very much your gracious offer, Sam