Best indoor FM antenna, your experience.

I am not able to do an outdoor antenna where I live.  Looking for the best I can do with an indoor antenna.  Stations I want to listen to are 50 to 80 air miles away."
I just received a Terk FM 50 (the big one) that I ordered and have it lying across my curtain rods. Sounds pretty good and doesn't look bad in its position. 
otherwise there are some good outdoor antennas are available in amazon. if you want i will link here some 

Great outdoor FM Yagi antennas are hard to find. I have seen used ones on ebay (overpriced), but unless you want to get one from Europe, a used one is your best bet. I never had a lot of luck with indoor FM antennas. Right now I am using a German made (Import) 9 element Korner 9.2. Has pretty good forward gain 6-7 DB and great F/B 30+ DB, but are pricey in shipping from Germany. The company is Antennaland. Also Innovantennas from the UK is another, but again shipping is the issue, cost-wise.