Best in depth of soundstaging and ease for 2k?


I'm looking for a pair of speakers that will go for $2000 or less on Audiogon. I listen almost solely to classical music, and what I really care about is deep soundstaging, and ease of presentation. I think ease is really my most important criterion. Since those two criteria will generally make for a relatively analytical speaker, I plan on warming up the sound with tube gear, likely from Rogue Audio(seems to be the best value on the used market). Does anyone have any recommendations? My room is 17 x 13. Bass response is not my biggest concern, so I might be willing to go with a pair of monitors, but I worry about their presentation of large orchestral works...

Thanks very much.

Showing 1 response by gmood1

I have two suggestions Eminent Technology LFT VIIIa or A pair of Magnepans .
The LFTs will give you bass down to 25 hz or so. They aren't analytical but have depth and speed. At 13 inches wide and 60 inches tall with 1st order crossovers and a three position tweeter adjustment... These speakers are very user friendly .

Good Luck!