Best Home Th Pre-Pro under 4K ish - used

I am looking for best pre-pro for home theatre. Good audio (stereo) is secondary. Dynamics, excellent processers including D/A, definition all important. Must have ease of use and quality S-Vid. Switching. Reommendations to me have included B&K Ref 20, Lex MC1, Proceed avp, meridian 561. Any pluses and minuses appreciated

Showing 1 response by dsafron

I've got a Krell HTS. Killer stuff. Tons of inputs and outputs, that killer blue power light and high resale value. Krell's reputation is for brutally accurate reproduction of sources and that's exactly what the HTS gives you. I see some used units coming in at the 4k range. My only complaint with mine is that it doesn't support 5.1 analog input so I can't buy a DVD-A unit. Krell says they will offer upgrades periodically so I just have to wait until they design something for the HTS. Good luck.