Best home remedy for paper cone woofers cleaning the dust off?

Whats the best way to clean them? Other than aerosol pressured cans. Also should you treat the rubber surrounds or let sleeping dogs lie?

Showing 2 responses by archguy

The ozone that is responsible for most of the degradation of rubber or foam is generated inside the cabinet by the electric field of the voice coil.

Learn something new every day! Thanks for this!

Agree to ’let sleeping dogs lie’ in the rubber-surround dept (unless perhaps you are in the desert and there’s never any humidity) and second the idea of a gentle vacuum brush. I understand the rationale for paper cones but they can definitely be fragile in use.

Soft paint brush from the art store

I actually have an artist’s paint brush which says "Finest Russian Sable" and that sounds like the sort of thing that might appeal to an obsessive audiophile.

We could have threads with discussion of the effects upon SQ and Soundstage of various natural and synthetic bristles. I find that the Siberian Chinchilla is especially effective at image specificity, but regular old North Plains Mink comes through with that inner detail and insight I prize the most. I always dust with Beryllium powder for those evanescent transients too, making sure to breathe deep for full effect.

Actually I think the AC/DC suggestion was the best.