Best high end monitors?

I'm considering monitors for a 2 channel setup (to be paired with a couple subs - probably JL Audio Fathom 113's).

Looking for suggestions on brands/models to consider. I listen to all kinds of music, but mostly rock and jazz. I'm looking for large soundstage, detailed with with meat on the bones.

I don't have a set budget, but wouldn't go as high as Magico Minis or anything crazy.

Thanks in advance.
Dynaudio C1's is my first choice followed by the Sonus Faber Creamora-M's then the Usher Tiny Dancers. First 2 are about the same price with the ushers being about 1/2 that (not having a price range its hard to recommend anything). Personally I own the Dyn C1's. You really need to demo them (preferably in your room) because everyone has different tastes and expectations
I have had two speakers that I could recommend. Currently I have Focal Micro BE speakers with an Electra sub. These speakers are effortless and have a great sense of space. I thoroughly enjoy this speaker. Footnote: they do take awhile to break in so make sure your demos have a few hundred hours. Also, they are not forward sounding at all. You get the sense you are hearing everthing without being too artifically detailed.

The other speaker is the Wilson Benesch ARC. Not as much top end extension (air) but the bass is deeper (not better). Very coherent. I think the WB can play at a louder level (not a real benefit for me). Both are easy to drive. Both have a teriffic midrange. I could live with either. See if you could listen to both. Not sure of your electronics but both work very well with tubes (I use BAT separates) Good Luck
Hope you can hear F300 from a new company called Eficion ( The top portion can be used separately as a monitor. It's midrange seemlessly crosses over to a fantastic AMT tweeter. It makes all dome tweetered speakers more or less the same.
There is no "best". With a good sub, any good monitor that sounds good to you mated to a good sub will sound great and deliver meat on the bones.

I've heard the Magico's...very nice indeed but overpriced IMHO for monitors. I use a meager pair of highly regarded $500 Triangle Titus 202 monitors with a decent M&K sub in my 2 channel a/v system and it sounds absolutely fabulous.
Might as well throw my hat into the ring. Vivid audio are among the best monitors and speakers I have heard at any price. I was lucky enough to have the B-1's in my showroom thanks to Philip O'hanlon of On a Higher note. Brief history. One former owner of B&W, and the designer of the Nautilus series set out to develop speakers their way. The Vivids are the result. The most musical, holographic and accurate loudspeakers I have heard. Shaming the likes of Revel and Wilson. I am not a dealer for Vivid, but wouldn't mind being one.