Best high-efficiency speaker for Unison S6 EL34-based integrated

Hello audio junkies.

I've been running my 35w Unison Research S6 integrated amp with a classic pair of Proac Response 2.5, but have come to the conclusion the the Unison doesn't have enough juice to get the Proacs to sing. I've been doing some research on higher-efficiency speaker brands that may be a better match for the amp, like WLM, Tannoy, Zu, Living Voice, etc. Functionally, my room is 13" x 30" and I need to fire the speakers across the short dimension, positioned about 7' apart on either side of fireplace. Would like to find something that would charge the room with bass and image well.

Any recommendations for me? Can be modern or vintage.

-Bob R

Showing 1 response by sfall

Obviously, you have a couple of options. Before you get rid of your 2.5's, you should be sure its the right move. If you make a mistake, it will most likely be difficult to get another pair. I can tell you from first hand experiance that either an ARC VT-100, or a pair of Quicksilver V-4's, will breath new life into your system.

If you decide to go with new speakers, its a more difficult choice. Speakers like Zu and Tannoy don't have the same type of universal appeal of your ProAc's. Set them up right and the 2.5's can make just about anyone happy. Of the new speakers you list, Living Voice is probably the safest choice. I would also add DeVore. His customers are some of the most loyal in the industry. He makes both standard efficiency speakers, like your ProAc's, and has a high effifiency line as well.