Best hi-fi salon 'round

Alright! Let's hear it.

A lot of you's guys do some traveling.
If you're anything like me you'll look up the local hi-end shops where ever you are, pay a visit, and experience the presentation of product lines not available for audition in your area. In addition, you'll extract as much knowledge out of the sales guys as possible, and even test them a bit. Secretly reveling in your nonchalant "stumping" of supposed "masters of the trade."

In your experience:

What's the best you've heard?
Who's had the most impressive auditionioning rooms?
Where can you find the most knowledgable associates?

In short: What is the Best hi-fi salon 'round?

P.S. I sure like Steve and his "heard" at the Hi-Fi Farm in Virginia.

Showing 1 response by dollysowner

Audio Consultants, Evanston, Illinois. Great selection, knowledgeable salespeople who have made careers there, and an owner who's absolutely tops.