Best headphones you've ever heard/used

Well, the subject says it all I guess. I'm looking for two sets of good quality headphones.

The first one is an earphone for use with my iPod. I'm looking for a small pair of compact in-ear earphones. I take long boring flights to Asia often so it'd be nice if they were high quality and helped out with noise canceling. I've heard good things from Shure. Any other recommendations?

The second one will be for night time listening in my bed. These headphones can be big but hopefully not too heavy. I also need them to be wireless for at least 15ft.

Thanks in advance,
Sure thing, Robm321. I was actually thinking about this thread today whilest commuting with my Headamp AE-1, iPod, and Shure sounded oh so good!

- walkman
i can't beleive a thousand people didn't already grab this one. These headphones are the best known, most comfortable, best value on the market. for around 150 you'll be in an audio heaven that few speakers can top. there're not really portable though. for that one i'd say shure e3, or if you're going cheap, sennheiser px100 or px200. if you want to learn a crap load more than you really ever wanted to know about headphones, go to forums. and is a good beginner site. happy listening!
Did a session yesterday and used a pair of Sony MDR-CD3000 phones with my EAR HP4. Best closed sound yet. Now I am looking for a pair to buy. Any suggestions?
just got the new Shure 500s...significant improvement over 5c, 4c etc. 5c has that bass thing going but 500s are tighter and better attack: mid range is more clear and open sounding: treble sounds more extended though may not be true: but overall the best in ears I've heard: that includes the 2 other Shures, Etyomic 4s and untimate ear pro 5.