Best headphones under 800.00 USD

Any suggestion will be very appreciated. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by mcne

I have the HD-600's with the Musical Fidelity XCANSv2 and power supply. I am extremely happy. You cannot go wrong with the RS-1's or 2's either, especially with their little battery powered headphone amp. You will just be out twice the money but we are still talking under a $1000.00. If you listen to both it will be easy to choose. The HD-600's are a little hot on summer days in Calif. Also, I purchased a very good headphone extension cable ( Daybreak ) from Sonic Horizon
( at HCM Audio ) so I don't have the HD-600's tiny little cable swaying in the wind. It is a major source of noise in your headphones when it rubs up against anything.