Best headphone amp for new Senn 650's

I just ordered a pair of the 650's with an upgraded cable from Drew at Moon Audio. I have been over at and Headroom Corp. and looked through these forums too and have come up with several possibilities for a new headphone amp. My question is, is there something that would considerably improve upon the Antique Sound Labs MG Head (older version with transformer, and Telefunkens) that I currently use with my Senn 600's? I am tempted by the Headroom new Max, the Grace 901, the Sugden Headmaster, and various other esoteric things I read about at head-fi. There are a lot of headphone listeners here, too. Any thoughts on whether I could substantially improve on the MG Head? Maybe other tubes than the Telefunkens I now use?

Showing 1 response by sc53

Thanks for the responses. I've been sucked into a vortex of insanity over at head-fi. I'm now learning about all these custom-made esoteric little gems like the SinglePower, the Larocca Audio PPA or something, the Gilmore V2, the Emmaline something or other, and the German RKV that looks awesome, but one member posted pictures of his after it burnt up somehow. I wonder if that's a common complaint with the RKV? Swampwalker, I know you're a regular over at head-fi, I saw your name on a lot of threads, what do you know about these other, custom amps? The MicroZotl is another one, and I've seen it come up for sale here from time to time. I'll probably give one of these lesser-known, tweaked jobs a try before investing in a new Headroom, given all I've read so far. Too bad I only have two ears, and one head.