Best headphone amp for new Senn 650's

I just ordered a pair of the 650's with an upgraded cable from Drew at Moon Audio. I have been over at and Headroom Corp. and looked through these forums too and have come up with several possibilities for a new headphone amp. My question is, is there something that would considerably improve upon the Antique Sound Labs MG Head (older version with transformer, and Telefunkens) that I currently use with my Senn 600's? I am tempted by the Headroom new Max, the Grace 901, the Sugden Headmaster, and various other esoteric things I read about at head-fi. There are a lot of headphone listeners here, too. Any thoughts on whether I could substantially improve on the MG Head? Maybe other tubes than the Telefunkens I now use?

Showing 1 response by fmpnd

Just my $.02 here, but since you didn't limit the price, I agree with Ed and Jim that the Cary SEI is nice. I disagree that the Earmax is next best though. I had the Earmax and it was (in my tastes and in my system) not any better that the headphone jack on my Pioner Elite CD recorder. I also have a Headroom Cosmic which easily bested the Earmax. My main headphone rig, like the Cary SEI, doubles as a very nice SET integrated - the Moth Audio SI-2A3. If you like a typical warmer but clean and detailed SET tube sound, the Moth is fabulous. If you like a little more slam then the Cosmic has more of a solid state sound and is tighter in the bass with nice dynamics.

I also had the first version of the ASL MG-Head amp and, although I liked the sound, it cannot drive the Senns to any decent volume and the Moth is much more dynamic, with better detail and focus.