Best hardware DLNA renderer?

I've been tinkering with computer audio for about 18 months and its been somewhat exasperating, a 2 steps forward 1 step back affair. Most recently I've even tinkered with Jplay and a 2 PC setup using WS2012.

I'm finding now that this setup beats that

Control PC with JRiver MC18, DLNA enabled for audiophile 24bit DAC
Hardwire Ethernet connection between control PC and Oppo BDP-103

Coax out to Metrum Octave

Love this so much I want to figure out what better hardware DLNA solutions exist than the BDP-103 ( takes this about 2~3 minutes to setup DLNA connectivity where you see the Oppo as a new player option in JRiver).

Suggestions on a player that beats the Oppo's for DLNA horsepower as it doesn't look like the 105 is any different for DLNA?

Any recommendations

Showing 3 responses by edorr

You have a few options. One is to get the DLNA rendered integrated in the DAC. The PS audio perfectwave with bridge would be in a good choice. They show used a lot - very reasonably priced.

The thing to look out for in anything that beats the 103 is not so much "horsepower", but clocking accuracy and quality of powersupply.

First, if you do not use any of the analog outputs, it is advisable to disconnect the powersupply from the analog board in your Oppo. This should improves performance of your digital transport.

You can wait for someone to build an Oppo 103 based optimized as a digital transport. It will happen eventually. Expect $2-4K pricerange. Again, look for clocking and powersupply upgrade.

In fact, MSB just release a player based on the Oppo 103 - which is probably the best DLNA streamer money can buy at this point in time. They rebuild the whole digital section and it has upgraded clocking and power. The base configuration will set you back $6600, but you can throw $16,000 worth of upgrade options at it (clock and power). Probably out of your pricerange....

Another option is to upgrade your 103. You can get a linear powersupply for below $300 (check for "Dr. Lee"), and there are DIY or installed clocking upgrade options as well.
With my Perfectwave DAC, DLNA streaming (using the $800 PS Audio bridge) was equivalent to using a $2000 music server, a $2000 Offramp5 USB converter with optional $1000 powersupply and $1000 digital cable, so close to 10x better price performance....
Confused. When you use JRiver as a DLNA server, it is my understanding it simply manages the library (ususally stored on a NAS) and the music files are send directly from the NAS to your DLNA rendered (the Oppo in this case). The data never passes through the PC, and there is no processing in JRiver/Jplay taking place. How can Jplay make any difference in DLNA steaming mode? I am either misunderstanding what you are doing, or misunderstanding the signal path of DLNA streaming.