Best Gunshots

The hallway shootout in the matrix? No. Backing out the door in last man standing? Uh Uh. How about the mini-gun in Armageddon? Nope. Dug deep in the CD collection today and came out with Mercury Living Presence 1812 Overture, etc. Everyone knows the cannon fire in the 1812 but I had completely forgotten the WAR fought between the speakers in Beethoven's "Wellington's Victory". My neighbor's ears are bleeding.

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

if you don't mind moving off the ersatz-yiddish spelling discussion and getting back to the subject of this post: i recommend the 1985 telarc cd, "ein straussfest." it has some great gun shots, in addition to other amusing sound effects. BTW, kitch, i visited a highend audio/video dealer while traveling to boston last week, where i saw/heard a $200,000 ht system playing a broadcast hdtv signal. 'ya gotta see it to believe it; i think it's truly equal to the jazz singer's introduction of sound to film. no cheap, mid-fi krell there, BTW.
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