Best Genesis Album - your opinions please.

OK, after consuming eleventeen beers last night, I spun a couple of albums I haven't played in ages - Duke, followed by Wind and Wuthering. Duke, despite the poor recording quality, is one of the bands most underated albums....sure it's a little glimpse of things to come as far as Phil Collins' dominating influence, but it's still an incredible album, and probably the last 'real' Genesis work before they became too commercial.
What are your top 3 Genesis albums and when was the last time you played one of them?....


Showing 1 response by ogsarg

Selling England By The Pound, in my opinion is by far the best recording done by this great band. Perhaps influenced by the fact that it was the first tour that I saw. I still play this at least once a month.

After that, I would list Foxtrot, Lamb Lies Down, and Trespass as the next 3.

I saw Genesis live with Gabriel 4 times and twice afterward. Once you experienced the former, the latter just didn't work. There are certainly some good post Gabriel recordings, but nothing that has the Magic they created in the early years.