Best Frank Zappa´s Recordings

Hello to everybody!
This is my first post.I ´ve been a Frank Zappa´s fan since the earlies 70´s. In your opinions which are the six best recordings? I think that "Zoot Allures" is one of his best albums ever.

Showing 2 responses by philjolet

I like: Hot Rats, Weasels Ripped My Flesh and Uncle Meat among many others that I do not know the titles of.

Frank should be on the post about people that passed away at their peak - in the Rock and Roll Heaven

Blkadr, are the albums: Burnt Weenie Sandwich, Chunga's Revenge Waka Jawaka and The Grand Wazoo mostly instrumental? What I mean is not a lot of talking like on Uncle Meat.


Seldenr I think everyone likes Apostrophe but it is (in some people's opinion) kind of his first 'commercial' record and is a departure from the typical FZ record. I think it is ignored not for what it is but what it represents.

that said I am in the camp of 'Frank Zappa did no wrong' in his very prolific career I like almost everything I have heard from FZ and that definetly includes Apostrophe.