Best Frank Zappa´s Recordings

Hello to everybody!
This is my first post.I ´ve been a Frank Zappa´s fan since the earlies 70´s. In your opinions which are the six best recordings? I think that "Zoot Allures" is one of his best albums ever.

Showing 2 responses by blkadr

Overnight sensation is about the last one before he lost me, no I really liked One Size Fits All. The older stuff still rules, Uncle Meat, Burnt Weenie Sandwich, Chunga's Revenge (a personal favorite often overlooked), Hot Rats, Waka Jawaka (sp?), The Grand Wazoo, Live at the Filmore. All of his early stuff is fun, it was his most creative work, his incredible guitar expertise improving over his considerable career. Kinda lost me with his later work but always loved his music.
Phil, Burnt Weenie has some of the commentary and has the most "experimental" music on it. Chunga's Revenge is kind of a turning point with some more conventional music, still some parody and sarcasm. Waka Jawaka and the Grand Wazoo are almost all instrumental, the Wazoo has a lot of charted horns. I saw him play this live and it was incredible, the players looking a little puzzled at times but a great performance. None of these albums feature the spoken narration style like Overnight Sensation and much of his later work. And oh ya, I love Ruben and the Jets but it is all tounge in cheek 50s music Zappa style.