Best Forum to hear experienced audiophiles exchange thoughts?

I don't want to say I have outgrown this site but I do know

I want more. 


There are many other sites but where are the forums where people

talk about new gear? What's Best is terrible to try to maneuver thru.







Showing 4 responses by edcyn

When I lived in L.A. I'd try to get to every audio show within a hundred miles. I made myself a nuisance at every high end dealer in the area, and purchased gear at nearly every one. For a while my wife worked for Todd Garfinkle of MA Recordings and I'd be able to tag along to the gigantic trade show in Vegas (what was it called again, CES?). When I was a kid I'd go with my dad to the yearly High-Fi show in Downtown L.A. It was there where I first heard Stereophonic Sound and later Quadraphonic.

What can I say, I have a genuine jones for well-recorded music.

What can I say? I have what seem to be endless print subscriptions to both Absoluto Soundo and Stereo Fool. Enjoy the heck out of 'em, too. I'll tune to Idagio or Qobuz, open up a mag, and read 'till my eyes get blurry. A blissfully wasteful existence!

The way I see it, an initial post is more a conversation starter than a demand for a precise response. After all weren't these websites once commonly referred to as "chat rooms?" I see threads as social gatherings. Not as visits to the doctor.