Best female vocals on CD

Want recommendations for Female recordings on CD. Thanks Joe
Too many to list in Damn Shame.Has anyone heard Mandy Barnett?"Ive got a right cry " is a collection of mostly old "stndards" in the Patsy Cline style that is very enjoyable.I love all kinds of music,but cant stand over produced fodder like Maria ect.Love the real song writers from Rickie Lee to Lucinda Williams,to Emmylou,to Loreena McKennit, even Macy Gray. Katie Webster is my favorite blues singer and I appreciate many of those mentioned above. Heres a real curve: Iris DeMent. Check her and others out singing duets wiht John Prine on "In spite of ourselves". Bags of fun. Keeping an open mind (ear) holds its rewards.
If you like Iris DeMent, Lucinda Williams and Emmylou Harris I'd strongly recommend you try Gillian Welch. She has a voice that is startling at first but one of the most compelling I've ever heard after repeated listening. Try her 'Revival' CD or her version of 'Hickory Wind' on the 'Return of the Grevous Angel' Gram Parsons tribute album.
Just bought 4 of Margo(Cowboy Junkies) cds -she is great -Thanks . Another great one-Lisa Ekdahl with the Peter Nordahl trio-sounds so sweet
A new voice to be on the look out for is Shana Morrison. She is the daughter of Van the man. Check out her debut album, titled Shana Morrison Caledonia. It's great, she has website .
Philefreak, thanks for the tip about Shana Morrison. I've been forcing people to listen to her back-up singing on Van's "Days Like This" CD for a couple of years and wondering when it would be possible to hear her solo. I've seen Van Morrison live several times and listened to his CD's hundreds of times and hers is the only voice or instrument that can hold its own with him. Anybody who can listen to the two of them sing "You Don't Know Me" with dry eyes is a cold MF.