Best External Drive To Rip A Lot Of CD's with?

As the title says, I have a lot of cd's to rip (about 3500). I need an external drive to accomplish this, and could use your help in identifying what drive will best accomplish this. It obviously needs to be solid, well built and rugged with that many cd's to rip.

Your recommendations and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by djohnson54


How much is your time worth? You can figure 10-15 minutes per CD (depending on length) to do it right and get the tagged information right (dbPoweramp is great for this but it can take considerably longer for classical CDs). A quick Google search will give you several services that will do this for you.

On another thread someone made the suggestion to forgo the ripping and just subscribe to Tidal for $20 per month. I think this is becoming a much more appealing alternative.

If Tidal had even a fraction of the music I own available, possibly, but they don't.
Fair enough. That must be one esoteric music collection. :)

For the sake of completeness, there are also auto-feeders available. You're talking about some real money now and you mentioned saving money above, but I wouldn't think something like that would be hard to sell on a site like this. There are bound to be plenty of people in exactly your position.

Having ripped quite a few of my own, I can tell you that after about 100 CDs, it gets pretty tedious.