best external drive for ripping CDs

I am doing a little test drive of an LG external drive and DBPowerAmp ripping CDs to storage.   Appears to be working fine.


But the drive was purdy cheap ($50).  It hums and has a buzz to the case while reading. Makes me wonder about the quality of the rip.  What brands/models of external drives do people use for ripping CDs to ensure the file quality is not affected?  Or does it not matter?


Showing 3 responses by clearthinker

You shouldn't RIP CDs.  It is a breach of copyright.

Think of yourself as a thief.  Small penalties if you ever get caught does not compensate the artists that made the music.

Shame on you (all).  You are worse than parasites. Rip and burn takes you back to pre-civilisation.

You shouldn't be ripping CDs.  Think of the artist.  Why are there so many selfish thieves around?


Your activity seems controlled and proportional.  You should find another name than 'ripping'.  It sounds so sordid.