Best earplugs?

I have some 20 db Earwear uninversal fit "musician's" earplugs that are good. But I went up close for a KISS tribute band named Strutter - I abused myself. The problem wasn't the db rating, it's that they kind of work their way out with time. I need some custom fitters. There are 3 brands I am looking at. Two of them, Etymotics and Ultimate Ears look like they are selling the same product with a different tint.

Westone Labs appears to offer custom molded earplugs where you can choose the strength after the fact - 25 db, 13 db, or 9 db. Why would I be interested? Because if you aren't up close 25db seams a bit overkill, though maybe some would argue against that.

Any comments on quality of these 3 brands? Another one that I have missed?

Showing 2 responses by warjarrett

Are you familiar with Sonic II earplugs? I have used these for many years at rock concerts, but do not know if they are still being made. They are the only earplug I know that stay in place, protect the ear from ringing after a LOUD concert, yet provide a non-muffled sound. 15 years ago they were available from most sporting goods shops at $12 the pair. They were primarily designed for ear protection during shooting of guns, but still allow conversation between gun shots.
"Best earplugs for what", now becomes the question. Best fit, best comfort, and best attenuation have been answered. But I am concerned with best frequency response to my ears, while still providing attenuation. At concerts, every earplug I have tried (except the Sonic II) makes the music sound muted and boring. What earplugs have allowed YOU to protect your ears while still enjoying the sound of the music?