Best DVD player in $500-$1000 Range

Any first hand experiences in this price range would be great. My TV is not progressive scan compatable.? Thanks

Showing 5 responses by bmpnyc

I have owned the following top of the line DVD players: Panasonic, Yamaha, Denon, Sony DVP-7700, Pioneer DV-05, and currently own the Pioneer DV-37. Unquestionably, the Pioneer has the best picture, and the best audio. The Sony was a close runner-up to the Pioneer DV-05. The DV-37 costs around $700, and is definetely top dog (even when compared to the DV-09). Not only is the video better, the audio is a big surprise, it holds its own against many of the mid priced high end CD players I have heard. If you wait for the Sony ES-9000 you can have SACD, with what will certainly be an excellent DVD player for $1500, but for some reason Pioneer seems to edge out the competition in every comment or review I have seen. Don't worry about it, get the Pioneer DV-37it is superb. Check out the review by Lawrence Ullman at
bmc310, Any review giving a preference to the Sony DVP-7000 cannot be taken seriously. Every review ever printed states otherwise. I have owned all of these machines, and guarantee that if you were given a chance to compare all of the DVD players mentioned here, and given a choice to keep only one, that it would not be the Sony DVP-7000 you would take home.
Chasskelljr, The build quality of the DV-37 is fine, with excellent design features, (separation of power, audio, video sections). Its performance equals, or betters the DV-09, and if you ever need progressive scan in the future, your already set. Believe me the DV-37 has a superior picture to the Sony DVP-7700, and way better sound. I had them both on the same TV, and the Pioneer has more of a three dimensional look, richer colors, sharper picture. You can find the DV-7 around $700 easily. Good luck.
I usually get a discount for many reasons, one being a 25 year friendship with an audio salesman but, if you call Uncles Stereo at (212) 721-7500 I an fairly certain they will ship it to you for around $750 or less. Let me know how it goes.
Chaskelljr, I am really interested in your friends evaluation of the DVP-9000ES and a comparison to the DV-37. Please let me know how that plays out. The Sony has 12 bit technology, instead of 10 bit, I wonder if that will be a factor? Tracer, I just tried a cd-rom and it didn't work...oh well, guess i'll have to stick with my G4 for CD-rom's.