Best Digital Cable around $100 used

Hello and happy holidays to all!!! need inputs on best digital cables around $100 used,theis sonic character,though theoretically all well made true 75 ohms cables should sound the same,we all know that in reality they don't,there are differences among them sonically,best regards,Al

Showing 1 response by bmpnyc

The H.Tech. Cyberlink Copper will beat most others in the under $100 price range, but only by a small but clear margin. The Cyberlink Platinum is another story, it is a high end cable at a relatively reasonable price. I compared it to 5 other cables and it was the handsdown winner. If you see one second hand, GRAB IT! I haven't heard the Mapleshade cables yet, but am happy that there is a new company that seems concerned with very good quality at reasonable prices.