Best Digital Audio CDR for standalone CD Recorder?

I just got a used (but factory refurbished) Harmon Kardon CD Recordable. I want to burn cd's at 1X to make the most primo copies possible without bothering with computer programs.

First, does anyone have any general advice/theory/experience in this arena that would care to pontificate at length? ;)

Secondly, what's the best brand/brands of Digtial Audio CDR's available and where are some of the best (read: cheapest) places you can get them online?

Thanks, peeps!

Showing 2 responses by merlinus

Best and cheapest? Oxymoronic, to me.

I have used gold audio cdrs from MAM-A:

and even better quality (ultradisk) are offered by MoFi:
As always, there is rarely, if ever, a free launch! You pays fer what you gets....

I have found a significant difference in quality with the gold cdrs as opposed to those from the mass manufacturers. And they definitely last longer as well.

Of course, if you are recording mp3s or other lossy format music, it will not matter. (grin)