Best Digital Audio CDR for standalone CD Recorder?

I just got a used (but factory refurbished) Harmon Kardon CD Recordable. I want to burn cd's at 1X to make the most primo copies possible without bothering with computer programs.

First, does anyone have any general advice/theory/experience in this arena that would care to pontificate at length? ;)

Secondly, what's the best brand/brands of Digtial Audio CDR's available and where are some of the best (read: cheapest) places you can get them online?

Thanks, peeps!

Showing 1 response by gonglee3

Taiyo Yuden, or Mitsui Gold.
Taiyo is much cheaper, but Mitsui might sound just a hair better - I would go with Taiyo.

Taiyo sounds better than black ones, and are affordable.
If you google it, you can find good prices for them.

I am curious, how do you like your music now with all the new gears? Are you in sonic heaven? I hope you are enjoying music even more now...