Best DAC’S $5k to $15k

I have Chord Mscaler and TT2 and it’s very good. I’ve been considering the DAVE. Any recommendations? 


Showing 3 responses by pindac

I got my first experience of a DAC > CDP and eventually a CDT, through having a Bespoke Built Valve DAC produced for me.

Cutting Edge it is not, but it has hit all the right spots for where I am with a Digital Source.  

The DAC has travelled and been compared to other DAC's and it does not fall short, it has been a very good demo' on all occasions outside of the home.

My curiosity after experiencing different CDP's and CDT's is not to experience a different DAC, but how an exchange of a CDP / CDT used on the home system would change my perception of the end sound produced through the DAC.

@yyzsantabarbara Stated:

"I had a $14k DAC mentioned in this thread and it was replaced by a $2.6k DAC that I thought a tiny bit better and a lot cheaper. I used the difference to buy a killer speaker."

Can you PM the DAC Types referred to, I would like to read up on these.

Not too far down the line the used price of the $2.6K DAC may be very attractive.

I had friends attend the Munich Show Last year, with a keen interest in discovering DAC's that would be worthwhile learning more about.

Their time at the event was much enjoyed, but little was discovered through being demo'd DAC's that got them inspired to learn more.

Speakers, that was a Different experience, there was plenty of discoveries made that was able to hold their interest. Some even though expensive, were quite cheap as a comparison to other Brands Products. 

There are plenty of attendees to this event, which my description is a Third Party Interpretation of Two Attendees only.