Best DAC around 1,000

I hate to do it, but I have been searching for a DAC to match up to an old (10 years) CD player, with an eye to upgrading to a transport after the DAC, and thought I would make everybody trot out their "best of" opinions again. Yes, I looked, but I only saw several threads on best CD players, one on best tube DACs, and one on best DAC under $500. My interest is in the $1,000 range (other gear: Plinius SA-100 Mk III amp, Rogue 99 pre and Coincident Super Eclipse speakers).

Give me your best shot!! Maybe even just say what you bought (if in this range), but say why and what you compared it to. Thanks!!

Showing 1 response by jvr

i would look at the birdland oden lite (lists for 970$) dealer in town sold to me 800$ no tax. it is better than p1/p3 with monolith sound (it did not have dan w upgrade). i a/b'd them for several hours. dealer opted for birdland over bel canto as it is more nuetural and detailed. it is better than my cal 15 more musical with good detail. have not heard the other recommendations; i am sure they are good too. good luck