Best cost no object tube phono

Hi Agoners,

just upgraded everything to SS Accuphase, loving it and have no intention to go back to tube pre/power. However, I have to admit that I miss a bit of tube sweetness particularly on mid. What is the best cost no object tube phono stage?

Thanks in advance for any advices
Dear @kps25sc :  Carmeli posted in wbt:

" most elusive elements of reproduction are bass, sense of space and portrayal of scale to get right if you want "natural" and this is where the 3012-r is unmatched by any other tonearm I've owned and heard. Everything is just right with this arm. "  ( including vintage internal wiring. ).

Tango 500K+ system has mounted more than one 3012  along SAT ones

Several other high knowlegedg$$ gentlemans " die for ". Go figure.


I have SME 3012R mounted too Raul, a wonderful arm with the right cartridge, it does something really right in the bass, not too analytical, very musical. My Maplenoll LT arm with a front mounted silicone trough on the same TT digs a little deeper but is also more analytical, i alternate depending on records. Tango has gotten rid of the 2 SAT arms he had, he prefers the 3012R and his SAEC 508 on his favorite TT the AS 2000. He also owns 3 other top tables, but almost never uses them after getting the AS 2000, he also has almost every top cartridge. I trust his ears ! And he has a great sense of humor !
I suggest a conversation with Tom Vu at Triangle Art. He will help open your eyes (and your ears). I have his cell phone number if you can't reach him through normal means. His P200...all I have to say until you hear it for yourself. Not inexpensive, but you did say the best and cost is not part of the equation...just hope the TT and, especially, the cartridge are up to muster...Tom will direct you there, too!
I forgot: neonknight, antinn, tomwh, millercarbon, cleeds, loahnimal, rodman999, billstevenson, david-ten, moonglum, bluewolf, larryi, rgordonpf, eldartford, sdrsdrsdr, has2be, stitrain, etc, etc,

Dear @kps25sc : I don't know from where comes out the bass range that you or carmelli/tango touted as " natural, very musical..."

Very musical is an atracttive audiophile adjective as " natural " but both expressions means only added distortions. Your SME/LPS combination puts the resonance frequency at 7hz ( same as the tango combination . ). Other than that the 3012R has a lot of not good enough design characteriscis that latter on SME fixed through its now " old " 5 model.

The only home audio alternative that can puts all of us truer to the recording in that  3012 " touted " bass range is the digital alternative that's the must natural one other than the live MUSIC.

Then, that some of you like the same kind of high distortions levels those not means is rigth as carmeli posted.

Main advantage and main difference between analog and digital ( everything the same )  belongs to the bass range in favor of digital.

The 3012 wbt episode was exactly as a " stampede " when one start to run in panic ( no panic here. ) followed for hundreds of similar audiophiles and when one audiophile ask to other: " hey why are you running? the other says: never mind don't ask and keep running.

As you said: "  we all have our preferences ! "
