Dear @kps25sc : Carmeli posted in wbt:
" most elusive elements of reproduction are bass, sense of space and portrayal of scale to get right if you want "natural" and this is where the 3012-r is unmatched by any other tonearm I've owned and heard. Everything is just right with this arm. " ( including vintage internal wiring. ).
Tango 500K+ system has mounted more than one 3012 along SAT ones
Several other high knowlegedg$$ gentlemans " die for ". Go figure.
" most elusive elements of reproduction are bass, sense of space and portrayal of scale to get right if you want "natural" and this is where the 3012-r is unmatched by any other tonearm I've owned and heard. Everything is just right with this arm. " ( including vintage internal wiring. ).
Tango 500K+ system has mounted more than one 3012 along SAT ones
Several other high knowlegedg$$ gentlemans " die for ". Go figure.