Best cost no object tube phono

Hi Agoners,

just upgraded everything to SS Accuphase, loving it and have no intention to go back to tube pre/power. However, I have to admit that I miss a bit of tube sweetness particularly on mid. What is the best cost no object tube phono stage?

Thanks in advance for any advices

Showing 14 responses by kps25sc

Raul, the real magic in audio happens somewhere between listening and measuring, that is why so many audiophiles love tube phonos, for the engaging sound !
Ralph's(atmasphere)  and Mike Levine's names should definitely be on that list !
Raul when i like  a product after hearing it and keep it, that trumps any argument against it from someone i don't know on the internet, sorry. And that nobody bothers discussing with you on a thread in WBF could also mean they don't want to bother fighting windmills !
You mean you are finished quoting yourself and other people from WBF in this thread about " Cost no object tube amps" ? Wonderful !
A broken record playing backwards ! At least he stays away from WBF when he can post on Audiogon. I'm surprised how much trolling he gets away with here, meanwhile this post will probably be removed. Go figure !
You don't "distress" me, you irritate sometimes Raul. This is a thread about tube phono stages, and you have come here to provoke and promote your holy grail SS phonostage ! It is your usual modus operandi, you like to promote some idea or concept of perfect sound that has captured your attention at the time, like your long fascination with MM cartridges. Often using long quotes from other people. You always make claims of absolute truth, and then change your mind a year or two later, it just gets tiresome. Discussing with you is like fighting windmills, you have unlimited time, and little sense of proportions. When you repeatedly get banned from forums, you should start wondering why !
Raul when i "like" a post in WBF, it can mean i agree, it can also mean the poster has made a good argument even if i don’t agree , i also generally "like" any post from people responding directly to any previous post from me or anything made with a good sense of humor. I am a very generous with my "likes" they don’t charge me extra for "likes". I certainly stand by my comment about the knowledge level on Audiogon it is generally much lower than what you see on WBF, here its all about this is better than that, and what budget equipment is a "giant killer", and a lot of characters with budget systems claiming ultimate knowledge about equipment they have read an article about. On WBF a lot of very polite people try to educate each other in a humorous way, and a lot of them are manufacturers, reviewers and very expensive system owners. I consider David Karmeli the maker of the AS 2000 TT a good friend, that has helped and guided me on many occasions and his TT is definitely my favorite Turntable, i have personally never heard a DD TT that delivered the magic the way a old school heavy platter air-bearing TT does, i like LT's too, David hates those, we don't agree on everything. I find an occasional thread on Audiogon that i find interesting, but in general i just don’t have the patience for the way things often progress here, we all have our preferences !
Raul, audio is not a contest, nobody wins or looses and i have never claimed great knowledge, the absolute truths you are looking for are subjective qualities for most of us, we like something, or we don’t, sometimes measuring helps, but often you get subjective better sound with something that does not measure "the best ". I don’t see you writing much about music, it seems audio is a comparative/competitive sport for you. Some of us love the music, and don’t care how we connect to it, as long as we do, again probably why many people like tubes. Don’t bother with a list of knowledgeable people posting on Audiogon, i know there are some, but the general direction of this forum is on a much lower level than WBF, and there is nothing wrong with that, you like educating willing participants with you knowledge , this is a good niche for you. As for figuring out i am Lagonda, kudos to you, but i am probably the only one in the whole world with MBL speakers and Martin Logan Statement subwoofer towers that also uses a old Maplenoll turntable, how hard was it ?
I have SME 3012R mounted too Raul, a wonderful arm with the right cartridge, it does something really right in the bass, not too analytical, very musical. My Maplenoll LT arm with a front mounted silicone trough on the same TT digs a little deeper but is also more analytical, i alternate depending on records. Tango has gotten rid of the 2 SAT arms he had, he prefers the 3012R and his SAEC 508 on his favorite TT the AS 2000. He also owns 3 other top tables, but almost never uses them after getting the AS 2000, he also has almost every top cartridge. I trust his ears ! And he has a great sense of humor !
The stampede was towards a affordable arm that performed subjectivity as good as the high priced SAT arm at 1/10 of the cost. It was purchased on faith for a lot of us, but would not have been keepers if it had not performed well. Digital has in my opinion never gotten the treble, and rhythm right, it is in my opinion never as engaging as really good vinyl. As for bass yes digital in general has the number on both channel separation and lowest octave, but in the very important mid-bass region vinyl just sounds more natural and engaging with the right equipment in my opinion, with the gear i have heard, and with all those other disclaimers. I do think audio choices are very system and taste dependent, there are no absolute truths, or measurements that tell the whole story.
What moniker i use in another forum is really none of your business Raul ! You really are like a Chihuahua with a bone !
You insult the whole audio community with your every day antics, Perro ! That is why they keep kicking you out of forums !
Yes Davey you and Raul might have been invited, but where obviously also disinvited on several occasions. You have a grudge against WBF and expressed that grudge in the Wilson V thread as late as yesterday, that why i commented on your previous shenanigans. I did sign up to Audiogon with kps25sc, back in 2007 for buying equipment, long before joining WBF, but did not post in this forum until much later. I can post in both forums, not like you ! I do prefer WBF by a wide margin, maybe because they sanitize it from classy people like you and Raul, you two obviously belong together !