best concert venue

What's the best SOUNDING concert venue you've been in? Anywhere in the world. Large or small; famous or obscure?
1. Concertgebouw
2. Musikverein in Vienna
3. Newly renovated Severance Hall

I used to like Yoshi's, but it's a little too refined for me now. I liked the grunge of the old one!
I will 3rd the Sheldon in St. Louis. Seating is actually closer to 700, but it is just a phenomenal place to see a show. I just saw David Byrne there in September, which was just the most recent of a long line of great performers who they get to play there (that I saw - I'm sure they've had more great ones since Sept. that I didn't get to.).

I'm on the board of directors at The Sheldon - the staff there is really incredible too. They know what a treasure they have, and really put their hearts and souls into it.
The best concert venue is where Dave Matthews is playing. The gorge was good as well as one I went to in LA(outdoors). I've often found amphitheaters to be better than indoors in select cases because of reverberations and annoying levels of bass. Don't get me wrong I love bass but it's generally too overpowering in most indoor venues.