Best Component Ever, for the money

The other thread with this title was corrupted in its inception. Let's do this one with NO cables, power cords, isolation devices or tweaks. My vote goes to the Connoisseur turntable (integrated with arm). I don't have it anymore and you shouldn't be able to find one for sale. High end perspective for $150.

Showing 1 response by jjjj

There are many components that I have loved: AR SP-10 preamp,Jadis Ja-80 amps, Koetsu cartridges, Dynavector DV 507 arm, however, for me the Quad Esl-63 (in any of its versions, Crosby mod, Pro, USA monitor, 988)is the finest. For those who need deeper bass or a louder system, add a subwoofer. Nothing I have heard is as accurate,coherent and musical as the Quad. Period.