Best combo - integrated amp/ speakers/$8,000

I need to select an integrated amp and small speakers, to replace my MG 3.6r and SS combo I sold due to new space limitations. I'm thinking of valve gear for the first time in my life. But I'm also considering SS stuff. I do not have time to travel and listen to all the options - there are no good dealers locally.

Here are some of the things I've read about and am considering:


VAC Avatar Super

BAT 300x

Music Fidelity Tri Vista 300

Ayre AX7

Naim Nait 5


Harbeth HL compact 7

Reference 3A MM De Capo

Dynaudio Special 25

PSB Platinum M2

Spendor S3/5 (or other Spendor?)

Thanks for your thoughts and recommendations.

My current setup has worked out fantastically. It's the Monitor Audio GR-60's, powered by an Electrocompaniet ECI-3. If you have the funds available, you can even go one better and try the GR-60's with the Electrocompaniet ECI-4 (ECI-3's big brother). I found them to complement each other fantastically. The MA's have an astounding midrange and tight, accurate bass. The highs can be a bit bright when paired with the wrong anxilliary equipment, but the warmth of the Electrocompaniet's work a treat.
The Plinius 9200 is my favourite of the integrated amps currently on the market.$3,500

The Soliloquy 6.3is is outstanding, if the 6.3i is anything to judge by. 25Hz–20kHz; 90db; 8 ohms; 8–300 watts; 9" W X 44" H X 13" D; 100 lbs $3,400

And you have $1,100 left over for cables and music.
I'd go with a Bel Canto SS amp and a pair of SP Technology Continuums, as space seems to be an issue.
For what it is worth.

MF A308CR Integrated
B&W 803
With SR cabeling

Good Luck in your search.