best class a amp for a grand?

Looking to buy amp for second system for 1000 bucks on the used market. Room size is 10x12, primarily streaming music. Speakers are some energy pro 22 and preamp is an ocm 55. Im thinking maybe a belles would fit nice but wanted some other opinions. Thanks and god bless.
Pass Aleph is MUCH more likely to come up for sale (plentiful) and capacitors should be in much better shape, if not replaced, than the Fortes that come up. You mentioned Belles, but I can't think of a Class A Belles that would come in at the price. Can 30 watts drive the Energy Pro 22s? Do they have a smooth and highish impedance for tubes? I think they were 89db, if so you should be fine, but maybe not for the Almarro previously mentioned - depending on room size and how loud you listen to music.
That would be fine. You would need an F5 or J or J2 or M2 - I think the other ones would be under powered. I do think clone is the wrong word, they are Nelson Pass originals and further refinements upon the orignal Aleph 3 and 30, especially the J. There is a fella named Rawson that has produce a series of Pass/First Watt clones that can be had for less when they come up on Agon - they are likely to perform similarly.
You might find a Sumo Nine, they are getting old, but still a nice sounding amp... 60 to 8, 120 to 4